This page is a collection of miscallenous items which aren't large enough to warrant a page of their own and an entry in the main index. All code on this page is offered into the public domain; credit would be appreciated (but is obviously not required) if you use it for anything.
$str=~s/(?:^|\G\n?)(?:(.{1,$width})(?:\s|\n|$)|(\S{$width})|\n)/$1$2\n/sg;$width is the width to which you want to wrap; $str is the variable containing the existing text. If you want to make it even less readable, rename $width to $w or something else short and confusing.
Bored? Try to make it shorter!
#! /bin/sh if [ "$1" = "" ] then RD="/dev/cdrom" else RD=$1 fi for i in 32768,7,' ' \ 32776,32,System \ 32808,32,Volume \ 32958,128,Volset \ 33086,128,Publsh \ 33214,128,Prepar \ 33342,128,Applic \ 33470,37,Copryi \ 33507,37,Abstra \ 33544,37,Biblio \ 33581,16,' '\ 33598,16,' '\ 33615,16,' '\ 33632,16,' ' do old_IFS="$IFS" IFS="," set -- $i IFS="$old_IFS" OFFSET=$1 LENGTH=$2 NAME=$3 echo "$3:`dd if=$RD bs=1 skip=$OFFSET count=$LENGTH 2> /dev/null`#" done