If you're an old hand with Unix, however, this article is not for you. Thus, I'll attempt to describe Linux by comparing it to modern PC operating systems like Microsft Windows and MacOS. Note that MacOS 10 is a special beast, and my comments here refer primarily to earlier versions. Also note that while I describe Linux below, most of the comments also apply to the BSD operating systems which run on a PC.
Linux, on the other hand, consists of components largely developed by volunteers. Beacuse these people are not being paid to work on Linux, they cannot be compelled to do things in any way they do not like, as there is nothing with which they can be threatened. They do the work because they love it, and if they stopped loving it, they would stop doing it. This is the fundamental reason that Linux differs so much from proprietary operating systems. Understanding this difference is crucial.
To understand this, you have to realize that people who write software for Linux are not in the business of selling software. The Microsoft Corporation is in the business of selling software. Apple is in the business of selling hardware and software. This is what they do, and they could not possibly give it away for free instead of selling it, because they would immediately go bankrupt. Unix, however, got started differently. It was originally developed by AT&T, which was very much not in the business of selling software - in fact, they were legally not allowed to sell software (see one of the Unix History links above for details). They were primarily users of the software.
This tradition of development by users continues with Linux today. Most of the people who write components for Linux do so because they want, in the course of their work or hobbies, to use the component in question. Thus, they do not need to sell the component to get value from it - they get value from using it themselves. Furthermore, because their value is derived from the use of it, it is in their best interests to allow other people to improve upon it. If it is improved upon by others, the original author can then use the improved version and obtain extra utility without having put in the effort to improve it himself.
These companies are like companies which sell electronics kits. The company draws up instructions, and packages components which are suitable for a particular purpose. The more advanced and enterprising ones have custom circuit boards printed. However, they do not manufactur the transistors and capacitors themselves - they obtain them from outside. Furthermore, the kit manufacturer has little control over the specifications of the parts they buy - if they would like some small change in a component to make it integrate better into their project, they are not guaranteed to be able to get this change from the manufacturer. Linux is similar - if Red Hat wants a change to a part of Linux, they'll have to ask the person or people who write that part, and they might or might not get what they ask for.
In the case of electronics manufacturers, the kit supplier has little pull because the quantities they buy are so small. In the case of Linux, the distributor has no pull with the authors because they aren't paying the authors at all!
The only sort of reward authors ever get is receiving improvements to the things they have written. Thus, the only people whose opinions they care about are those who are capable of making such improvements! Suppose there are 100 non-programmer end users who want a feature to be implemented in one way, and one programmer who wants it implemented in a different way. It is in the initial author's best interests to do what the one programmer wants! The non-programmer end users will never contribute anything back to the original author, but the programmer may.
This is completely different than the motivations of a company which sells a product, and the difference is important to understand.
The figure to the right shows the the value of certain operating
systems as a function of the proficiency of the user. Linux does more
good than something like Microsoft Windows for an expert, but it does
considerably less for a non-expert. There is a point on the figure at
which Linux becomes more valuable than alternatives; use Linux if your
proficiency exceeds this amount.
Remember that while Red Hat would love for Linux to be as easy to use as possible, they are limited in what they can achieve. They cannot cause fundamental changes to most of the components in the distribution. If the Microsoft usability labs report that a certain fundamental change is going to be required to make the software easier to use, Programmer Bob at Microsoft is going to say "yesssir" to his manager when told to make the change. If Red Hat decides that a certain fundamental change is going to be required to make the software easier to use, Programmer Jim who works on Linux for free is going to say "bite me", and go about things exactly the way he was before.
In addition to distributors such as Red Hat, the people who make the Gnome and KDE environments are trying to make Linux easy to use. They will never be able to achieve the same level of success as Microsoft or Apple, however, because they cannot mandate changes to the underlying functionality to support ease-of-use like Microsoft and Apple can.
Let's consider that. Suppose that a Windows computer reboots twice a day, and is down 5% of the time (these numbers are made up for the sake of the example). A Linux computer, properly installed and configured, would stay up for months and be down 0.1% of the time. However, you will not be able to properly install and configure a Linux server - so your Linux computer will never reboot, because it never runs at all, and it will be down 100% of the time!
One of the largest advantages of Linux is the availability of source code, which allows you to modify programs to suit your taste... assuming you know how. If reading C is like reading Swahili to you, there's no advantage whatsoever in having the source code, because you don't know what to do with it anyway.
Given the choice between $10 cash, or a locked safe containing $100, which would you choose? If you're an expert safecracker, it makes sense to choose the safe, but for the rest of us, we're better off choosing the lesser amount that we can actually use. So it is with operating systems.
Of course, it also hurts your personal reputation if people follow your advice and have a horrible experience. That's hardly to your advantage.